Who would not fall in love with the peaceful feel of Brighton’s triple-decker-lined streets? Some 40,000 Brighton residents did – many of whom, unfortunately, have cars. You do not want to find yourself feeling sore and disgusted and absolutely busted, circling the block over and over, longing for home. You do not even want to spend fifteen minutes competing with your neighbors, friends and families visiting Boston College and Boston University, and tourists on their way into the city. So, maybe you would rather rent a parking space of your own and always have peace of mind.
Many people who live in neighborhoods close to the city choose to minimize the struggle of such a densely-populated neighborhood by just renting a parking space so they never have to worry about street parking again. If you want to eliminate this source of stress from your life too, you can, and Brighton Pads can help. Just fill out the application below and a Brighton parking space specialist will review your details and be in touch with you in no time. It is one more reason why Brighton Pads is the resource you need to make Brighton your new home!